Our Team
Our work is organized with the Oyate at the top because our work is from and for our people.
We follow the guidance and values of our community on questions fundamental to the movement we are building. Our Lifeways and Wellness Equity team connects the work of our Initiatives and our community by guiding us on healing pathways to liberation and rooting our work in Lakol Wicohan. By healing ourselves, we become sovereign, self-determined and liberated. This then extends to the thiwáhe (the family), the thiyóšpaye (the extended family unit), and eventually the entire oyáte (nation). At our foundation, we rely on the wisdom of our Board of Directors to guide us and our leadership team to ensure we achieve our intended impact. The directors and staff move the work forward, through strength and courage, always coming from a place of hope. All of us, together, believe in the prayer that began Thunder Valley’s story and continue to believe in the beauty this place is -- we carry this responsibility because the people depend on us.
It’s not what we do, it’s who we are.
Board Of directors
Beau LeBeaux
Trenton Old Horse
Vice President
Harold Compton
Norma Rendon
Board Member
Velma Kills Back
Board Member
William "Bill" Means
Board Member
Leadership Team
Lynn Cuny
Executive Director
Patricia Brave Heart
Chief Financial Officer
Amia Moore
Youth Leadership Director
Arlis Lynne Pourier
Finance Technician
Ashley Woodard
Montessori Provider & Language Learner
Blake White
Branda McBride
Montessori Provider/Lakota Language Learner
Brandon Big Eagle
Food Sovereignty Coordinator
Casey Wayne Provost JR.
Food Sovereignty Associate
DeCora Hawk
Lakota Advocacy Center Director
Diana Lessert
Diane Clifford
Doyle Pipe on Head
Social Enterprise Director
Emmy Her Many Horses
Lakota Language and Education Initiative Director
Isabella Lebeaux
Lakota Advocacy Center Coordinator
James Craig
Lakota Advocacy Center Manager
Jerome Lebeau Jr.
John Waters
Jolene Bull Bear
Human Resource Coordinator
Joseph Brewer
Youth Leadership Coordinator
Justin Spencer
Food Sovereignty Associate
Katherine Stover
Property Manager
Katie Hunter
Finance Manager | Lakota Language and Education Initiative
Kristy Pourier
Lakota Language Learner & Cook
Lyle Lebeaux
Facilities Manager
Marlon Kelly
Lifeways & Wellness Equity Director
Martha American Horse
Lakota Fluent Speaker
Micoda Little Eagle
Media Coordinator
Myranda Pourier
Lakota Elementary Immersion Teacher
Renae Cournoyer
Executive Assistant
Rose Rosales
Lakota Language Reclamation Coordinator
Shawnta' Jones
Director of School Design & Curriculum
Tatyana Pilcher
Lakota Language Learner & Montessori Provider
Tyrees Red Owl
Administrative Assistant
Warren "Guss" Yellow Hair
Wicasa Wicohan Coordinator