Samela Sateré Mawé
Communications Advisor for the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (she/her)
Samela is Indigenous of the Sateré Mawé peoples in the Amazon, biologists, and environmental activists through Friday's For Future Brazil. She is also the Communications Advisor for the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil- APIB and ANMIGA- National Movement of Indigenous Women Warriors of Ancestrality, and a media presenter at Canal Re-load. She also is part of the Sateré Mawé Indigenous Women Association and the Indigenous Students of the Amazon (Meiam). Samela is a Fellow of the Arapyau Institute and a member of the Uma Concertação Pela Amazônia @concertacaoamazonia
@canalreload @anmigaorg @apiboficial @fridaysforfuturebrasil